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PowerShell Commands


Get-BitsTransfer [[-Name] <String[]>] [[-AllUsers]] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-BitsTransfer [-JobId*] <Guid[]> [<CommonParameters>]

The Get-BitsTransfer cmdlet retrieves a set of Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer jobs. By default, the cmdlet returns the jobs that are owned by the current user. However, if you have administrative credentials, you can specify the AllUsers parameter so that the command returns jobs that are owned by all users. The returned jobs can be filtered by name or ID. The jobs are represented by BitsJob objects.


-AllUsers [<SwitchParameter>]

Indicates that this cmdlet gets BITS transfer jobs that are owned by all users. If this parameter is not specified, only jobs that are owned by the current user are returned. This parameter requires administrative credentials.

-JobId <Guid[]>

  • This value is required
  • Accepts pipeline input ByPropertyName

Specifies an array of BITS jobs by job ID. Only the BITS jobs that include a job ID in this array are returned. If BitsJob objects are piped to this cmdlet, their job IDs are used as the values of this parameter.

-Name [<String[]>]

Specifies an array of BITS jobs based on job name. Only BITS jobs with job names that match a name in this array are returned. You can use standard wildcard characters such as the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?). Or, you can use a range operator such as"[a-r]".

For example, you can use any of the following commands:

Get-BitsTransfer -Name "BITS*"

Get-BitsTransfer -Name "BITS Transfer"

Get-BitsTransfer -Name "BITS Transfe[a-r]"

A combination of the wildcard character and range operators is also possible.


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable.

This cmdlet accepts one or more BitsJob objects as input that populates the JobId parameter (based on the property name).
This cmdlet generates the BitsJob objects that are associated with the retrieved BITS transfer jobs.
  1. Get all BitsJob objects owned by the current user:
    PS C:\> Get-BitsTransfer
       JobId                   DisplayName             TransferType            JobState                OwnerAccount
       -----                   -----------             ------------            --------                ------------
       07acbe90-7d25-4d05-a... TestJob2                Download                Suspended               DOMAIN01\user01
       c0dd3d8c-c3a2-4562-8... TestJob1                Download                Transferred             DOMAIN01\user01
       1ef8c549-7a92-4173-b... BitsJobTransfer         Download                Transferred             DOMAIN01\user01
       2c8302d5-3f44-4981-8... BitsJobTransfer         Download                Transferred             DOMAIN01\user01

    This command gets all the BitsJob objects that are owned by the current user.

  2. Get the BitsJob object identified by job ID:
    PS C:\> Get-BitsTransfer -JobId C0DD3D8C-C3A2-4562-80B19224879C
       JobId                   DisplayName             TransferType            JobState                OwnerAccount
       -----                   -----------             ------------            --------                ------------
       c0dd3d8c-c3a2-4562-8... TestJob1                Download                Transferred             DOMAIN01\user01

    This command gets the BitsJob object that is identified by the specified job ID.

  3. Get all BitsJob objects with a specific display name:
    PS C:\> Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers -Name "*Microsoft*", "*Windows*"
       JobId                   DisplayName             TransferType            JobState                OwnerAccount
       -----                   -----------             ------------            --------                ------------
       07acbe90-7d25-4d05-a... MicrosoftTest           Download                Suspended               DOMAIN01\user01
       c0dd3d8c-c3a2-4562-8... WindowsTest             Download                Transferred             DOMAIN01\user02

    This command gets all the BitsJob objects, owned by all users, where the DisplayName property of the BitsJob object contains either Microsoft or Windows. If the user does not have administrative credentials, this command returns an error because it uses the AllUsers parameter.

  4. Get a BitsJob object identified by a specific display name:
    C:\PS> Get-BitsTransfer -Name "TestJob1"
       JobId                   DisplayName             TransferType            JobState                OwnerAccount
       -----                   -----------             ------------            --------                ------------
       c0dd3d8c-c3a2-4562-8... TestJob1                Download                Transferred             DOMAIN01\user01

    This command gets the BitsJob object that is identified by the specified display name.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. It is attributed to Microsoft Corporation and can be found here.

PowerShell Commands