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Anti-Slavery Anti-Human-Trafficking Policy

PDQ is committed to protecting human rights. PDQ prohibits all forms of human trafficking and modern slavery, which for purposes of this policy includes forced labor and unlawful child labor. PDQ will not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of its organization. PDQ will avoid complicity in any practice that constitutes trafficking in persons or slavery.

Our Business
PDQ develops and provides software tools for IT professionals. The Company’s tools support automated patch management, endpoint communications and IT asset scanning applications, among other software deployments. As a software company, PDQ has assessed that the risk for human trafficking and modern slavery as low.

This policy demonstrates PDQ’s commitment to act ethically and with integrity in all business relationships and ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its business. As part of the Company’s commitment, all persons working for or on behalf of the Company are expected to support and uphold the below measures to safeguard against modern slavery and human trafficking:

  • Demonstrate a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery within the Company

  • Prevent, detect and report any case of modern slavery within the organization

  • Engage with relevant stakeholders to address the risk of modern slavery in the

    Company’s operations

  • Take appropriate action as soon as the Company is aware of any possible breaches of

    this policy.

The following internal policies and processes are in place to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner.

Recruitment: We operate a robust recruitment process. We confirm eligibility to work in the US, and run a criminal, employment, and education verification background check. Interviewers are encouraged to surface any issues or concerns that arise in the interview process.

Core Values: PDQ has a robust set of core values which include behaviors on how employees are expected to interact with one another. PDQ also has policies prohibiting illegal harassment and discrimination. If employees see any behavior that violates these policies or is not in alignment with our core values, they are encouraged to notify a member of Leadership or the People Operations Team immediately.

Health and Safety: This policy is a key part of our approach to ensure we provide a healthy working environment for our staff and contractors that work out of our premises. Additional information can be found in PDQ’s Workplace Safety policy located in the Team Member Handbook.

Every employee is responsible for reading, understanding and complying with this policy. PDQ managers are responsible for ensuring that employees who report to them, directly or indirectly, comply with this policy. Questions or concerns relating to this policy can be directed to PDQ’s People Operations department.


PDQ is committed to conducting its business honestly, ethically, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and similar laws in other countries that prohibit improper payments to obtain a business advantage.

This policy describes PDQ’s stance on prohibiting bribery and other improper payments in the conduct of PDQ business operations and defines employee responsibilities for ensuring implementation of the policy. The Company expects all of its employees to become familiar with this policy and report any violations, issues, or concerns with this policy to a member of the People Operations department.

PDQ has zero tolerance for any corruption in business activities. PDQ strictly prohibits bribery or other improper payments in any of its business operations. Bribes or other improper or unauthorized payments that directly or indirectly make, offer, or promise to make, kickbacks, benefits, or advantages to any person, organization, or entity are prohibited by this policy. This applies to all business activities, anywhere in the world, whether involving government officials or other commercial enterprises.

A bribe or other improper payment to secure a business advantage is never acceptable and can expose individuals and PDQ to possible criminal prosecution, reputational harm or other serious consequences.

This policy applies to everyone at PDQ, including all officers, employees and agents or other intermediaries acting on PDQ’s behalf. Each officer and employee of PDQ has a personal responsibility and obligation to conduct PDQ’s business activities ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws based on the countries wherein PDQ does business. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

This policy will be supplemented periodically to keep up with current laws and best practices, and when necessary, to address customs and laws of other countries where we do business. This policy will never compromise the Company's commitment to lawful, honest and fair dealings with our customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders.