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PowerShell Commands


Start-Sleep -Milliseconds* <Int32> [<CommonParameters>]
Start-Sleep [-Seconds*] <Int32> [<CommonParameters>]

The Start-Sleep cmdlet suspends the activity in a script or session for the specified period of time. You can use it for many tasks, such as waiting for an operation to complete or pausing before repeating an operation.


-Milliseconds <Int32>

  • This value is required
  • Default value is None
  • Accepts pipeline input ByPropertyName

Specifies how long the resource sleeps in milliseconds. The parameter can be abbreviated as m .

-Seconds <Int32>

  • This value is required
  • Default value is None
  • Accepts pipeline input ByPropertyName

Specifies how long the resource sleeps in seconds. You can omit the parameter name ( Seconds ), or you can abbreviate it as s .


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable.

You can pipe the number of seconds to Start-Sleep .
This cmdlet does not return any output.
  1. Sleep all commands for 15 seconds:
    PS C:\> Start-Sleep -s 15

    This command makes all commands in the session sleep for 15 seconds.

  2. Sleep all commands:
    PS C:\> Start-Sleep -m 500

    This command makes all the commands in the session sleep for one-half of a second (500 milliseconds).

Additional Notes
 You can also refer to Start-Sleep by its built-in alias, sleep *. For more information, see about_Aliases.


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PowerShell Commands