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PowerShell Commands


Start-Transcript [[-LiteralPath] <String>] [-Append] [-Confirm] [-Force] [-IncludeInvocationHeader] [-NoClobber][-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Start-Transcript [[-OutputDirectory] <String>] [-Append] [-Confirm] [-Force] [-IncludeInvocationHeader][-NoClobber] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Start-Transcript [[-Path] <String>] [-Append] [-Confirm] [-Force] [-IncludeInvocationHeader] [-NoClobber][-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

The Start-Transcript cmdlet creates a record of all or part of a Windows PowerShell session to a text file. The transcript includes all command that the user types and all output that appears on the console.

Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, Start-Transcript includes the host name in the generated file name of all transcripts. This is especially useful when your enterprise's logging is centralized. Files that are created by the Start-Transcript cmdlet include random characters in names to prevent potential overwrites or duplication when two or more transcripts are started simultaneously. This also prevents unauthorized discovery of transcripts that are stored in a centralized file share. Additionally in Windows PowerShell 5.0, the Start-Transcript cmdlet works in Windows PowerShell ISE.


-Append [<SwitchParameter>]

  • Default value is False
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Indicates that this cmdlet adds the new transcript to the end of an existing file. Use the Path parameter to specify the file.

-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]

  • Default value is False
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

-Force [<SwitchParameter>]

  • Default value is False
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Allows the cmdlet to append the transcript to an existing read-only file. When used on a read-only file, the cmdlet changes the file permission to read-write. The cmdlet cannot override security restrictions when this parameter is used.

-IncludeInvocationHeader [<SwitchParameter>]

  • Default value is False
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Indicates that this cmdlet logs the time stamp when commands are run.

-LiteralPath <String>

  • Default value is None
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Specifies a location to the transcript file. Unlike the Path parameter, the value of the LiteralPath parameter is used exactly as it is typed. No characters are interpreted as wildcards. If the path includes escape characters, enclose it in single quotation marks. Single quotation marks inform Windows PowerShell not to interpret any characters as escape sequences.

-NoClobber [<SwitchParameter>]

  • Default value is False
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Indicates that this cmdlet will not overwrite of an existing file. By default, if a transcript file exists in the specified path, Start-Transcript overwrites the file without warning.

-OutputDirectory <String>

  • Default value is None
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Specifies a specific path and folder in which to save a transcript. Windows PowerShell automatically assigns the transcript name.

-Path <String>

  • Default value is None
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Specifies a location to the transcript file. Enter a path to a .txt file. Wildcards are not permitted.

If you do not specify a path, Start-Transcript uses the path in the value of the $Transcript global variable. If you have not created this variable, Start-Transcript stores the transcripts in the $Home\My Documents directory as \PowerShell_transcript.<time-stamp>.txt files.

If any of the directories in the path do not exist, the command fails.

-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]

  • Default value is False
  • Accepts pipeline input False

Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable.

You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.
This cmdlet returns a string that contains a confirmation message and the path to the output file.
  1. Start a transcript file with default settings:
       --------------------------xample: Start a transcript file with default settings
    PS C:\> Start-Transcript

    This command starts a transcript in the default file location.

  2. Start a transcript file at a specific location:
    PS C:\> Start-Transcript -Path "C:\transcripts\transcript0.txt" -NoClobber

    This command starts a transcript in the Transcript0.txt file in C:\transcripts. Since the NoClobber parameter is used, the command prevents any existing files from being overwritten. If the Transcript0.txt file already exists, the command fails.

Additional Notes
 * To stop a transcript, use the Stop-Transcript cmdlet.

 To record an entire session, add the Start-Transcript command to your profile. For more information, see 


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. It is attributed to Microsoft Corporation and can be found here.

PowerShell Commands