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Best 2024 tech and IT conferences for sysadmin and IT professionals

Brock Bingham candid headshot
Brock Bingham|Updated August 6, 2024
General lightBlue suitcase
General lightBlue suitcase

We're breaking out our brand-new 2024 calendars and marking our favorite tech and IT conferences for sysadmins, MacAdmins, and IT professionals. 

From mind-blowing, state-of-the-art tech demonstrations to awe-inspiring keynote speakers, tech conferences are a great way to learn from industry experts and renew your passion. 

So which conferences should you attend? Good question! To help, we've compiled a list of some of the best tech conferences the industry has to offer. Keep in mind that some conferences haven't finalized their plans yet for 2024. So be sure to check back here as we'll update this blog as more details become available! 

Get in, sysadmins — we're going conferencing. 😎 

GMIS MEETS: August 25–28 

  • Cost: $609–$799

  • Location: Point Clear, Alabama

  • Social: Facebook, X, LinkedIn

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: Public sector CIOs, IT directors, sysadmins, and other IT professionals

GMIS International is an association for government IT leaders, so it should come as no surprise that GMIS MEETS focuses squarely on technology for the public sector. The event provides opportunities to learn about the latest relevant topics from industry leaders and network with peers.

VMware Explore: August 26–29 

  • Cost: $1,995–$2,495 

  • Location: Las Vegas, Nevada 

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: System administrators, network engineers, and developers, specifically those heavily involved in virtualization and multicloud infrastructures 

It's getting awfully cloudy outside, and we're not talking about the white fluffy kind. As cloud services take over, many organizations struggle to manage multicloud infrastructures. VMware, the industry-leading virtualization platform, is tackling this issue head on. 

Formerly known as VMworld, VMware Explore is backed by some of the biggest names in tech, such as AWS, Dell Technologies, and NVIDIA. In addition, VMware Explore typically engages some of the most prominent voices in the industry, including Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, and Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud.

If this sounds like all work and no play, worry not. VMware Explore is famous for hosting some of the biggest bands, such as Imagine Dragons, Bon Jovi, and Blink-182 (just to name a few), to help attendees unwind after a long week of virtualization. 

  • Cost:

    • Event only: $1,699 for locals

    • Hotel bundle: $2,999

  • Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Social: Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Discord, YouTube 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: IT professionals, solutions architects, IT managers

The Midwest Management Summit is a 4-to-5-day event with a 750-person attendee cap to ensure attendees have the opportunity to network with presenters. Session topics usually range from getting the most out of Microsoft tools to security best practices. 

NANOG 92: October 21–23 

If you're a network engineer looking for a conference focused on all things networking, consider attending NANOG. From backbone internet strategies to enterprise networking technologies and operational practices, NANOG (North American Network Operators’ Group) has something for everyone at all skill levels. 

NANOG conferences are typically hybrid events hosting both in-person and virtual attendees. If budget is a concern, consider attending virtually. Tickets are cheaper, and slippers are optional. 

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo: October 21–24 

  • Cost: $5,650–$7,550 

  • Location: Orlando, Florida 

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: CIOs, CSOs/CISOs, chief data officers, chief analytics officers, senior data and analytics leaders, senior application leaders, and VPs of IT infrastructure and operations 

The Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo is designed for IT executives. It explores emerging technologies, strategies, practices, and approaches to equip leaders to drive outcomes, optimize business value, and enhance innovation and resilience. The event typically covers applications, platforms, software engineering, AI, data analytics, cloud infrastructure, operations, and so much more. 

Group rates are available. 

System Admin: November 7–8

  • Cost: $299–$349

  • Location: Georgetown, Texas 

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram 

  • Event type: In person

  • Target audience: IT professionals in education 

The TCEA System Administrator and Technical Support Conference is tailored for IT professionals in the education sector. This demographic of IT professionals faces many unique challenges. From managing student-operated devices to maintaining systems to mitigating security risks with limited resources, IT professionals in this field are often tasked with doing more with less. 

SpiceWorld: November 13–14

  • Cost: $399–$599 

  • Location: Austin, Texas 

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: IT professionals, SpiceHeads 

SpiceWorld is one of the largest and fastest-growing conventions dedicated to IT professionals. This event provides the perfect environment for thousands of IT professionals and vendors to network, collaborate, and surround themselves with like-minded individuals. With less emphasis on business suits and more emphasis on fun and learning, SpiceWorld's unique conference approach is something that all IT professionals should experience. 

BrainStorm: November 17–19

  • Cost: $125–$420 ; early bird discounts available 

  • Location: Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania (November 17–19)

  • Social: Facebook, X, LinkedIn 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: Ed tech 

BrainStorm offers conferences across the East and Midwest for IT professionals working in education. You can network with other sysadmins in IT, attend your pick of dozens of sessions, and demo products at the Vendor Fair. 

The three-day conference is held in person. 

Microsoft Ignite: November 19–22

  • Cost: TBA 

  • Location: Chicago, Illinois

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube 

  • Event type: Hybrid 

  • Target audience: Developers, IT professionals, and anyone who utilizes Microsoft's technologies 

Microsoft Ignite, formally known as TechEd, has been around almost as long as Windows itself. Launched in 1993, Microsoft Ignite focuses on the future of tech and what Microsoft is doing to provide the tools users need to succeed in an evolving workplace. Microsoft Ignite is a great opportunity to learn directly from Microsoft's own experts and MVPs as well as other industry leaders. 

Microsoft Ignite was held virtually for a couple of years because of the pandemic, but it embraced a hybrid approach starting in 2022.

Past 2024 conferences

FETC: January 23–26 

  • Cost: $49–$1,105; early bird discounts available 

  • Location: Orlando, Florida 

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: IT professionals in education 

Future of Education Technology Conference is geared toward those who work in a K–12 setting. Tailored tracks address topics relevant to administrators, information technology professionals, educators, library media specialists, coaches, campus leaders, and assistive technology professionals. IT sessions cover technical cybersecurity, cyber insurance, cybersecurity awareness, and other relevant topics.

FETC is an in-person conference with tiered pricing based on how early you register and whether you want to attend workshops. Team discounts are also available. 

NANOG 90, 91: February 12–14, June 10–12

  • Cost: $100–$1,100; early bird discounts available 

  • Location: Charlotte, North Carolina (February 12–14); Kansas City, Missouri (June 10–12)

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube 

  • Event type: Hybrid 

  • Target audience: Network engineers 

Pink24: March 3–6 

Pink24 is an industry-leading IT service management conference in its 27th year. Covering leadership, governance, Lean, Agile, DevOps, change management, and more, Pink24 touches on almost all facets of IT service management. 

Team discounts are available.

BrainStorm: March 10–12, May 5–7

  • Cost: $125–$420 ; early bird discounts available 

  • Location: Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin (March 10–12); Sandusky, Ohio (May 5–7)

  • Social: Facebook, X, LinkedIn 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: Ed tech 

  • Cost: $1,999 

  • Location: Bellevue, Washington 

  • Social: Facebook, X, LinkedIn 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: PowerShell and DevOps professionals and enthusiasts 

The PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit was established in 2013 and continues to be the premiere event for PowerShell and DevOps professionals. It's an in-person gathering tailored toward those who work with PowerShell, Desired State Configuration, Python, GIT, and related technologies. 

The conference offers an additional OnRamp track with content tailored for entry-level IT professionals. Subject-matter experts and leading PowerShell instructors guide attendees through an introduction to the PowerShell community and ecosystem. Scholarships are available for the OnRamp track. 

  • Cost:

    • Event only: $1,899

    • Hotel bundle: $2,649

  • Location: Bloomington, Minnesota 

  • Social: Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Discord, YouTube 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: IT professionals, solutions architects, IT managers

Red Hat Summit: May 6–9 

  • Cost: $1,099–$1,899 

  • Location: Denver, Colorado 

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: IT professionals utilizing and invested in open-source technologies 

Red Hat Summit is the premier open-source technologies conference. Attended by thousands of IT professionals each year, Red Hat Summit focuses on innovation around technologies like automation, Linux, the cloud, and Kubernetes. 

Group rates are available, so the more the merrier. 

RSA Conference: May 6–9 

  • Cost: $99–$2,995 

  • Location: San Francisco, California 

  • Social: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube 

  • Event type: Hybrid 

  • Target audience: Security engineers, CSOs/CISOs, security analysts 

One of the most critical topics in tech today is cybersecurity, and one of the fastest ways to get information about emerging trends and technologies in cybersecurity is to attend a conference dedicated to it. 

Initially, the RSA Conference primarily focused on cryptography. (RSA references the public-key encryption technology, as well as the last names of the company’s three cofounders.) Over the years, it transitioned into a broader IT security conference. Now, the RSA Conference is one of the largest cybersecurity conferences in the world. 

Prices are lower if you book early, and group rates are also available.

WWDC: June 10–14

  • Cost: Free 

  • Location: Cupertino, California

  • Event type: Online

  • Target audience: MacAdmins

As you probably know, the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) features all things Apple. If you manage Apple devices, you’ll want to tune in for updates on macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and more. 

While a few lucky developers (and students) can attend the all-day event at Apple Park, most of us will be watching online to catch Apple’s latest updates. 

MacDevOpsYVR: June 19–21 

  • Cost: From CA$213.27 (approximately $156) 

  • Location: Vancouver, Canada 

  • Social: Facebook, X, YouTube 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: MacAdmins and DevOps professionals 

If you’re a MacAdmin who wants to add DevOps to your skillset, this is the conference for you. At MacDevOpsYVR, you’ll network with DevOps engineers and MacAdmins from all over the world and have a great time (we speak from experience). Speakers typically hail from companies large (think Disney and Airbnb) and small.

The MacDevOpsYVR event expects to bring in more than 20 educational sessions and 10 hours of networking opportunities for MacAdmins and DevOps professionals. This conference includes workshops, a hack night, educational sessions, and networking events. 

MacAdmins Conference: July 9–12 

  • Cost: $999; early bird discounts available

  • Location: State College, Pennsylvania 

  • Social: Facebook, X, Mastodon, YouTube 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: MacAdmins 

If you manage and deploy Mac and iOS devices, then you need to keep the Conference on your radar. Many of the presenters that participate in the MacAdmins Conference created the tools a lot of Mac sysadmins use daily, giving attendees a chance to learn directly from the source. (Don't worry, we took notes.)

Covering topics such as security, best practices, and professional development, MacAdmins Conference gives attendees a chance to collaborate and network with fellow Mac and iOS administrators. 

Black Hat: August 3–8 

  • Cost: $729–$3,299 

  • Location: Las Vegas, Nevada 

  • Social: Facebook, X, LinkedIn, YouTube 

  • Event type: Hybrid 

  • Target audience: Security engineers, CSOs/CISOs, security analysts, anyone involved with cybersecurity 

Black Hat is another event that highlights the importance of cybersecurity and advancing cybersecurity technologies. This conference provides the InfoSec community with the latest research, developments, and trends in cybersecurity.

TechMentor: August 5–9 

  • Cost: $650–$3,175; early bird discounts available 

  • Location: Redmond, Washington 

  • Social: Facebook, X, LinkedIn 

  • Event type: In person 

  • Target audience: IT managers, network admins, IT staff, sysadmins 

TechMentor covers the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, Microsoft Teams, Azure, Active Directory, PowerShell, AI, cybersecurity, and more. Speakers are experts in their fields and provide insight into managing Microsoft products. This event takes place at Microsoft's headquarters. 

DEF CON: August 8–11

The popular DEF CON hacker conference immediately follows Black Hat. While Black Hat is more formal and business focused, DEF CON is much more informal and antics filled. If you are considering attending DEF CON, you'll probably want to disable your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your devices. Don't say we didn't warn you. 

Best 2024 tech and IT conferences FAQ 

Are conferences worth attending? 

Yes, conferences are worth attending for professional growth. They provide attendees an excellent opportunity to network and collaborate with like-minded individuals, get feedback and support directly from vendors, and, most importantly, learn and grow in their respective fields. And don't forget: Many conferences heavily invest in having fun. (But maybe don't focus on that part when you pitch it to your boss.) 

Which events will PDQ be attending? 

If, for some reason, you can't get enough of PDQ, you can meet up with us face-to-face at select conferences. We’re already planning our trips to the following conferences: PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit, Midwest Management Summit (MMS), MacDevOpsYVR, TechMentor, MacAdmins, GMIS MEETS, SpiceWorld, and System Admin.

But you never know where we’ll turn up. We can’t wait to meet you in person! 

Brock Bingham candid headshot
Brock Bingham

Born in the '80s and raised by his NES, Brock quickly fell in love with everything tech. With over 15 years of IT experience, Brock now enjoys the life of luxury as a renowned tech blogger and receiver of many Dundie Awards. In his free time, Brock enjoys adventuring with his wife, kids, and dogs, while dreaming of retirement.

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