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PDQ Connect product announcement: Role-based access control

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PDQ|January 11, 2024
Product connect
Product connect

The PDQ Connect team is kicking off the new year with a new feature: role-based access control. With role-based access control, you can create custom roles and manage permissions to ensure team members can do exactly what they need to in PDQ Connect.

Role-based access control 

This new feature enables you to create custom roles and assign them to teammates. Some teammates need access to create a custom package? Done. Others need to deploy packages? Easy peasy. With role-based access control, you control the exact permissions your teammates have so they can get the job done. 

For example, you can create a custom role for a help desk team member. Just access PDQ Connect’s Settings for your organization and select Roles.


A help desk team member might need to run commands and deploy packages (to troubleshoot devices) and delete devices (to decommission machines). But they may not need to create, edit, or delete packages or reports, or manage other users’ access.

With role-based access control, you can assign these exact permissions to the help desk team role to make sure the help desk can do the tasks they need to do.


Check out our Knowledge Base article for more detailed instructions on role-based access control. And keep an eye on our product roadmap to see what's coming next to PDQ Connect!

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