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PDQ Connect product roadmap

See what new features and enhancements we've got planned for Connect! We're working hard to get these improvements out soon, and we'll update this roadmap if anything changes.

Connect roadmap hero
Connect roadmap hero

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Near term

What we’re actively working on and hope to add to PDQ Connect in the coming weeks.

Near term

Packages page updates

More easily organize and find your packages.

Near term

Improved onboarding & automations

More easily set up initial groups and automated deployments for your environment.

Mid term

These items are our next areas of focus. We plan to add these features to PDQ Connect in the coming months.

Mid term

Automate vulnerability patching

Set vulnerabilities to be automatically patched when detected.

Mid term

Deployments page updates

Group deployments by package, including summary-level information for each deployment.

Mid term

Package & step conditions

Add conditions to packages and steps.

Mid term

PowerShell Scanner

Write PowerShell scripts to scan for custom device information.

Long term

These items are on our roadmap, but we don’t have a specific timeline for them yet.

Long term


Assign users, devices and packages to tenants within Connect, allowing you to segment your environment by location, client, etc.

Long term

Managed software center

Allow an end user to install or update specific software without a sysadmin having to deploy anything.

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