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How to silently Uninstall Microsoft Office 2007

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Shane Corellian|June 24, 2014
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    Note: This post follows the process for silently uninstalling Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, although a similar procedure could be followed for other versions of Office. Be mindful of differences in paths and IDs between versions of Office. 

    Utilizing PDQ Deploy you can deploy a command (with accompanying XML file) to silently uninstall Microsoft Office from any of your computers. 

    Create a new package in PDQ Deploy, (delete the default install step) and add a command step. The command should look like this (for Office Professional Plus 2007): 

    "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\setup.exe" /uninstall PROPLUS /dll OSETUP.DLL /config %CD%\config.xml

    Where the config.xml is a file you will provide for the silent uninstall. In this example, for MS Office Professional Plus 2007 it will look like this (modify to fit the needs of the version of office that suits your needs). 

    <Configuration Product="PROPLUS"> <Display Level="none" CompleteNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" /> </Configuration>

    This bit of XML will not show the UI or a completion notice and will accept the End-User License Agreement. It will also not reboot the computer, however you may want to schedule a reboot at a time that won’t inconvenience your end-user. Again, PROPLUS is necessary to indicate the edition of Office, take care to make sure you have the correct product ID before deployment. 

    Since we are using the %CD% variable, we need to add the XML file. Add the path to the XML file in the “Additional Files” section provided. 

    After you save and exit the package building screen, you are now ready to deploy.


    Shane head shot
    Shane Corellian

    Shane is the co-founder of PDQ.

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