How to export custom fields from PDQ Inventory using PowerShell (& SQLite)

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Kris Powell|September 21, 2017
Export Custom Fields from PDQ Inventory using PowerShell (& SQLite)
Export Custom Fields from PDQ Inventory using PowerShell (& SQLite)

Welcome back to the show!

Last time, we showed you how to export your Custom Fields to a .csv file using Reports. If you are a true PowerShell fan, you might have been waiting with bated breath for this blog to see the magic happen in PowerShell. This will be very important for all of you using the Central Server who realized that all your precious data in Custom Fields did not transfer to the shared database automatically. So, how are you going to get all that fancy data into the database housed on the new server?! Well, so shall it be requested, so shall it be blogged. Exporting Custom Fields data with PowerShell can be broken down into the following three easy parts:

Custom Fields icon

Part 1: Identify Custom Fields to Export

You will need to identify the correct Custom Fields that you wish to export.

1. Using SQLite, run this fairly easy query of the CustomComputerItems table where Custom Fields are stored.

$db = "C:\programdata\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\Database.db" $sql = "SELECT Name FROM CustomComputerItems" $CustomComputerItems = sqlite3.exe $db $sql $CustomComputerItems

2. Take a screenshot, or leave the window open to keep the list of the Custom Fields names in front of you.

Identify Custom Fields to Export

Part 2: Query for Custom Fields data.

Next, we’re going to create a fancy SQL statement to query for all the computers and their associated Custom Fields data.

1. Query the database using variables $db and $CustomComputerItems, then iterate with ForEach-Object

$sql = @" SELECT Computers.Name $($CustomComputerItems | ForEach-Object {", Group_concat(Case When = '{0}' THEN CustomComputerValues.value END) as '{0}'`n" -f $_}) FROM Computers LEFT JOIN CustomComputerValues on Computers.ComputerId = CustomComputerValues.ComputerId LEFT JOIN CustomComputerItems on CustomComputerItems.CustomComputerItemId = CustomComputerValues.CustomComputerItemId GROUP BY Computers.Name "@ $result = sqlite3.exe $db $sql $result
Query for Custom Fields data

You’ll notice that there is no header listed in the results and that all results are separated by “|”, the pipe character. This a the default behavior in SQLite that we will account for in the next step.

Part 3: Export Results to File

Now that we have our data, we just need to get it into a file. You can export to your selected file type, however, a .csv file is required to use the Custom Fields Import Wizard.

1. Modify the line

$result = sqlite3.exe $db $sql

2. Change the script to include headers and use a comma instead of the pipe character by using SQLite’s built-in dot command, (more info on those here).

$result = sqlite3.exe $db ".headers on" ".mode csv" $sql
Export Results to File

3. All we need to do to export this to file is to use the Out-File cmdlet.

$result | Out-File "C:\temp\test.csv"
to export this to file is to use the Out-File cmdlet

Ta da!  Now you’ve got a .csv file with all your Custom Field data!

Putting it all together

Here is the script all put together for copy-paste convenience.

$db = "C:\programdata\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\Database.db" $sql = "SELECT Name FROM CustomComputerItems" $CustomComputerItems = sqlite3.exe $db $sql $sql = @" SELECT Computers.Name $($CustomComputerItems | ForEach-Object {", Group_concat(Case When = '{0}' THEN CustomComputerValues.value END) as '{0}'`n" -f $_}) FROM Computers LEFT JOIN CustomComputerValues on Computers.ComputerId = CustomComputerValues.ComputerId LEFT JOIN CustomComputerItems on CustomComputerItems.CustomComputerItemId = CustomComputerValues.CustomComputerItemId GROUP BY Computers.Name "@ $result = sqlite3.exe $db ".headers on" ".mode csv" $sql $result | Out-File "C:\temp\test.csv"
putting it all together - PowerShell test script

Wrapping Up

Now you have two different methods to export your Custom Fields to a .csv file. You can do it via creating a Report in Inventory, or you can use PowerShell and feel extra fancy.Whatever the reason for exporting your Custom Field data to .csv file, if you’re interested in importing this into another PDQ Inventory database, please refer to this wonderful guide.I hope that it helps.Happy PowerShelling!For a real-time demo, see the video listed below:


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Kris Powell

Kris was an employee at PDQ.

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