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PDQ Inventory

Access our powerful Tools Library

Hit the ground running with a collection of commands ready for you to import and start using immediately.

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Man with headphones smiling at computer
Man with headphones smiling at computer
Illustration of existing toolsIllustration of existing tools

Utilize existing tools

Common commands like reboots, remote assistance, and Wake-on-LAN are included as pre-built tools. See the full list below.

Craft custom commands

Additional custom tools can be added for any command that can be run within Windows. PDQ Inventory will execute the tool and send in the computer’s name (or other information).

Illustration of custom commands Illustration of custom commands

What’s in the Tools Library?

Event Logs

Note: All Event Logs require PowerShell

Get Application ErrorsDisplay all events in the target’s Application Event Log that have an event level of Error or Critical.
Get Crash HistoryDisplay all events in target’s System Event Log that contain the word “crash”.
Get Rename HistoryDisplays all events showing a computer name change.
Get TCP/IP AllDisplays all events in System Event Log with TCP/IP provider and ID 4230.
Get TCP/IP CongestionDisplay All TCP/IP messages from system Event Log.
Get Logon HistoryShows Logon events on target machine.
Get Restart HistoryShows all events in System log that contain “Shutdown Type” or “crash”.


Connect to IP via HTTPIf the target device has a webserver (such as a printer or IP Phone) this tool will attempt to start the default browser and connect to the IP address.
Get MACUses a cmd shell to run `arp.exe -a` against target IP address.
Manage ServicesUses Services.msc to view/manage target’s Windows Services.
Ping (Persistent)Sends a persistent Ping to target machine. This will open a CMD window. To stop the ping either press CTRL+C or simply close the CMD window. This utility is great to use when a computer has been rebooted and you want to know the moment it comes back online.
Open ADMIN$ ShareAttempts to connect via Windows Explorer (explorer.exe) to the target computer’s Windows directory. By default the %WINDIR% directory is shared as ADMIN$.

Name Resolution

Flush DNS Resolver Cache (localhost)Use this to flush (empty) the DNS cache on your console machine. This can be necessary when a target’s IP address has changed but your DNS cache stills has the old address. This tool is considered a “System Tool”. This means that a computer does not need to be selected to run it.
Lookup IP AddressUses NSLOOKUP to perform a “Reverse lookup” to resolve the hostname from the supplied IP Address. Your environment must utilize PTR records in order to perform reverse lookups.
Lookup HostnameUses NSLOOKUP to resolve the IP Address for a target computer.
NetBIOS by IPUses NBTSTAT to resolve the hostname of a computer based on the IP Address.
NetBIOS by NameUses NBTSTAT to resolve the IP Address of a computer based on the computer name.


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