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ManageEngine Endpoint Central vs. PDQ

PDQ is a technically advanced ManageEngine Endpoint Central alternative that helps you inventory assets, deploy software, and patch Windows devices. Rather than dabbling in a little bit of everything, PDQ products excel at what they do. In contrast, ManageEngine Endpoint Central tries to do it all — across every major operating system — for expansive offerings without any standout capabilities.

Illustration of PDQ and its competitors
Illustration of PDQ and its competitors
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See how PDQ and ManageEngine Endpoint Central compare

ManageEngine Endpoint Central

ManageEngine Endpoint Central focuses on breadth over depth. It aims to be an all-in-one IT asset management solution for virtually every function you can imagine across all the most common operating systems. However, it lacks refined features that give sysadmins granular control.

Illustration of card with red xIllustration of card with red x


PDQ focuses exclusively on simplifying Windows device asset inventorying, patching, and software deployment. We do fewer things exceptionally well to give sysadmins the flexibility they need to customize workflows, automate routine tasks, reduce the overall complexity, and improve efficiency. PDQ was made for sysadmins, by sysadmins, so we just get it.

Illustration of card with green checkIllustration of card with green check

Inventory assets and deploy software with PDQ in minutes


ManageEngine Endpoint Central

Focused feature set 



Easy to use 



Intuitive interface 



Base price grants full access to features 



Prebuilt, ready-to-deploy software packages 



Custom software packages 



Custom device groups 



Exportable reports 



Fast, friendly support 



Meet some of our customers

PDQ users are united by a love of efficient Windows device management. Learn how businesses of all sizes use PDQ.

Goofy face quote Image
Blue Quote

“PDQ gives us insight and depth into our Windows environment. We can ensure that machines are patched regularly and notified when they fall behind.”

Network Engineer

Orange Quote Image

“We've used a bunch of competing products for deployment for [W]indows PCs and by far PDQ is just better. It's super flexible and easy to use.”

Systems Analyst

One platform, endless use cases

PDQ is your one-stop shop for all your Windows device management needs. Just take a look at what PDQ Deploy & Inventory and PDQ Connect can do.

On network
D&I Logos

PDQ Deploy & Inventory

  • Agentless over LAN/VPN
    Connect to on-prem or VPN-connected devices in your environment

  • Self hosted
    Install on your server and manage within your organization's own IT infrastructure

Agent based
Connect Logo

PDQ Connect

  • Agent based
    Connect to remote or local devices using an agent and web interface

  • Cloud hosted
    Access and administer your devices remotely via the internet

What’s included in both?

Deploy Packages Icon

Deploy packages

Access 100+ prebuilt popular software packages or create your own multistep packages with commands and scripts


Group devices

Save groups of devices based on dynamic criteria to easily identify or report on which machines need updates

Automate Updates Icon

Automate tasks

Create automatic deployments to specific groups or individual devices to ensure your devices stay up to date

Build Reports Icon

Build reports

Create and export reports to view your devices grouped by things like installed software, hardware & its age, and more

See how Connect and Deploy & Inventory compare

D&I + Connect Ven Diagram


Ready to make the switch?

PDQ is not affiliated with or endorsed by ManageEngine Endpoint Central. The use of ManageEngine Endpoint Central on this page is for comparison purposes only.
Information last updated: 2/7/2024